Malaga Avrupa İthal Karo Halı


Avrupa'dan ithal karo halı!



Quality SAMOS Product denition ISO 224 Tufted loop pile
Gauge  1/10”
No. of tufts ISO 1763  ± 177750/m² (-7.5% . +10%)
Pile ­bre ISO 2424  100% polypropylene
Pile weight ISO 8543  660 gr/m² ± 5% (± 10 oz/yd2)
Pile height ISO 1765  3.0 mm ± 5%
Primary backing ISO 2424  PA/PES non-woven
Tile backing  Polyex with a non-woven fabric
Total thickness ISO 1765 6.0 mm ± 5%
Total weight ISO 8543 3800 gr/m² ± 7,5% (± 109 oz/yd2)
Tile size EN 986  50 x 50 cm (± 19.7” x 19.7”)
Tiles per box 20 20


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